
Artists who work in any printmaking media, including digital printmaking, are invited to apply for membership. Successful candidates invariably are those who are outstanding in all aspects of their work as practising professional artist-printmakers.


The RE is an educational charity and promotes the value of original printmaking. All members’ work must be in a single strictly limited edition, or unique monoprints. Reproduction prints are not accepted, and artists who produce reproduction prints of their original prints would not be eligible for membership.


There is no limit on the number of new Members to be chosen each year for election, nor are particular qualifications required of candidates, but it should be noted that the Council will be looking for certain significant qualities in candidates including:

  • A high degree of individuality, accomplishment and commitment in the art of printmaking.
  • Agreement to participate on a regular basis in exhibitions and assist with the Society's work.


The standard of work required to gain Membership is high and a number of those who have gone on to become valued Members of the Society did not succeed on their initial application. The Society draws from a broad range of printmakers with diverse tastes and practices. Changes to the selection committee mean that rejection one year does not preclude selection on another occasion.